News On Casey Casum

This is very very sad news indeed. I’m not sure if this source is reliable as I got it from an e-mail list but here you go.


I heard a report on KPCC that Casey Casum is near death from
Parkinson’s disease. I guess his second wife had quite a battle with the
children of the first marriage about his care. Apparently he has not
been able to talk for months and is said to be in grave condition. They
talked about his career with Don Bastani (I don’t know how to spell any
of these names) and even included the famous blooper about the death
songs and those pictures he wanted to see. Obviously, this is terrible
news for those who listened to his American Top 40 shows. They said he
had some slight pneumonia, but basically with the Parkinson’s disease his
decline will be a slow process leading ultimately to starvation if
pneumonia doesn’t kill him first.


If this is true, it’s sad like i said above. I used to listen to Casey Casum all the time. I found him amusing and a very awesome on air personality. It’s so hard to see him as playing Shaggy from the Scooby Doo cartoons after hearing some of the outtakes that he did. I chuckle to myself when I think of them, i can hear him in my head now swearing at the long distance dedication that he got for a dog that had passed away. Apparently he had just played an upbeat song and had to go right into the dedication. It royally ticked him off. If you haven’t heard it, you should try and get your hands on it, it’s funny. Just wanted to post this for anyone who listened to him like I did. Hopefully his final days are made comfortable for him and that once he does leave this world he has one hell of a party when he gets to the other side.

Back soon with a new entry. I’ve been working on it for a while now.


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