Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Good morning to all reading this thing.

I just wanted to take some time and do an update.

First, I’d like to wish all of you that celebrate it a very happy and wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope that whatever you are doing today is filled with lots of love from family and friends, not to mention turkey. So much for diets this time of year. LOL!

Things I am thankful for…

I am thankful for family. WE may not see each other as often as I would like but I’m glad to have them all the same.

I’m thankful for good friends, for without them who would I tell my secrets too? Who would I have to share things with and in return be there for them when needed and always.

I’m thankful for my job. I have been at Land To Air for three years and still doing very well there. I may have my issues at times with things in reguards to passengers and their rudeness but my boss is awesome, my coworkers are very cool and I just love my job.

I’m thankful for my two wonderful cats, without them I’d be depressed. My kitties are my life. They may not be my whole life but they are certainly a huge part. Their fur catches my tears when I cry, their purrs make me happy and at the same time can soothe me to sleep, their cuddles have a great calming affect when I’m upset and I love taking care of them. They depend on me for everything and it’s a good feeling when you can take care of and protect something that depends on you to do just that.

I’m thankful for the roof over my head. It may not be the best place to call home but it’s home nevertheless. That is to say because of all of the gossipy chits and rumor mill this place really bites. There’s no other way I can put it. But as I said, it’s home for now and I’m glad i have it.

I’m thankful for love. Love is what makes the world work. Thank you Jerry for being in my life again.

I’m thankful for music, without it I’d go totally insane.

I’m thankful for the ability to sing, I don’t know what I’d do if I had lost that gift. I may say i’m not that great at it but my singing makes others happy and brings them joy so for that i’m truely thankful for the gift of song.

I have so much to be thankful for this year and I could go on and on but I won’t. Just because it didn’t get on this list doesn’t mean I’m not greatful for the many things in my life.

Today I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner for Jerry and our friend Cassie. I decided that I would not do the traditional turkey and bake a ham instead. I’m also making stuffing, potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, green beans and a pumpkin pie. We’re having cranberry sauce as well. Jerry doesn’t like cranberries but I told him that was ok, it just means more for myself and Cass. LOL! It will be fun times.

Well, so much to do and so little time so I suppose i should get my day started. I got up way later than I wanted to but it’s all right. I have today and tomorrow off so I intend to enjoy my four day weekend.

Have a happy Thanksgiving and a great weekend.



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