Warning: Tear Jerker Big Time

I am an extremely irate Lily!

This article was taken from: https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=195146393985728&id=177961175704250&set=a.177969355703432.1073741828.177961175704250&refid=7&_ft_=qid.5905695706180096272%3Amf_story_key.-5551322707768136343

I do not understand or know why or how a parent can do this to their own flesh and blood. Tears abound.

Andrew Ray Moyer Sr., 24, and Brianna E. Michael, 23.

Police have accused a Columbia couple of killing their 6-week-old son, who died after a series of severe beatings delivered over the course of one to two weeks, according to officials.

Their son, Andrew Moyer Jr., was found dead at the couple’s apartment on the morning of Oct. 18.

Authorities said the boy was beaten multiple times and died after a final, brutal battering that included powerful blows to the head.

“It does not get much more depraved than this,” Lancaster County District Attorney Craig Stedman said, after his office approved charges Wednesday.

“They tortured their 6-week-old son, refused to get him medical treatment, then bashed his head repeatedly until he was dead.”

According to an arrest affidavit filed Wednesday night, Andrew Moyer Jr. suffered brain injuries, burns, broken ribs and injuries to several internal organs.

The document does not state which of the two parents is believed to have delivered the beatings.

Authorities, however, wrote that both Moyer and Michael are at fault for the child’s death because they failed to seek medical attention and conspired to lie to cover up the abuse.

Investigators outlined events this way in the affidavit:

Police and medical personnel called to the family’s Locust Street apartment at 9 a.m. on Oct. 18 for a report of an unresponsive infant found the body of Andrew Moyer Jr.

That same day, police interviewed Moyer and Michael, along with William R. Long, who is the boyfriend of Michael’s mother and sometimes stayed with the two when he was working in the area.

All three said they did not know what might have caused the baby’s death.

On Friday, an autopsy concluded that Andrew Moyer Jr. died of multiple traumatic injuries and the Lancaster County Coroner’s office ruled the death a homicide.

Dr. Wayne K. Ross, county forensic pathologist, said the child sustained blunt trauma to the head, probably from multiple blows with a fist, or from the baby’s head being struck against a firm object. Those injuries, he said, likely would have caused death within minutes.

Ross found that the baby suffered similar injuries to the torso, resulting in a lacerated liver. He also found thermal burns to the infant’s right hand and buttocks.

The pathologist also discovered the child had sustained other injuries, including brain swelling, nine broken ribs, subdural hematoma and hemorrhages to the lungs, diaphragm, liver, stomach, pancreas and bowel. The boy also had injuries to his mouth and scrotum.

During a second interview with Michael, she admitted she was aware within the last week or two of burns to her son’s hand and buttocks. She said she also was aware of bruising to the scrotum area.

Michael also said that around 1 a.m. on the morning of her son’s death, she discovered blood on his mouth and wiped it with a tissue. She said the baby seemed fine after she cleaned the blood.

When she checked on him eight hours later he was cold, motionless and lifeless, she said.

According to a forensics report, blood spatter on the infant’s clothing was consistent with the child sustaining two blows to the mouth, officials said.

During follow-up interviews, Moyer, too, said he was aware of the burns to his son’s body and bruising to his scrotum, all of which, officials said, would’ve been “extremely painful.”


Prosecutors filed a notice to seek the death penalty against Andrew Moyer and Brianna Michael in regards to the Oct. 18 homicide of 6-week-old Andrew Moyer Jr.

Prosecutors also said that they plan to try the couple together.

Each is charged with homicide, conspiracy and endangering a child for a series of beatings and torture that led to the boy’s death.

First Assistant District Attorney Christopher Larsen, in the court filing, said the baby’s age and the torture element are aggravating factors that prompted the death-penalty notice.

According to previous court filings, Michael, 23, eventually told police that Moyer, 24, administered what officials say was the fatal blow: a knee to the baby’s head.

Still, first-degree murder convictions and the death penalty will be sought against both.

Here ends the article.

It’s my oppinion that the death penalty is way too good for these murderers. I’m really hoping they don’t plead insanity and they let them get away with that because I don’t believe for one moment that that is their issue. These are sick twisted individuals and they need to get justice served to them.
There is one good thing that comes out of this mess however, that is at least that baby will never be hurt by them again. He knows no more pain, he knows no more neglect, he knows no more hurt by the hands of his so-called parents. He is now with the angels and that is the best thing that could have happened to him. He is away from those psychotic animals. Those sadistic good-for-nothing lower than dirt inhumane arses can’t touch him anymore.
I’d like to know why no one suspected this baby was being abused. I do realize that some people are good at hiding it but with what this poor little angel went through I don’t see how no on noticed. I really do hope justiced is served. If not here on earth, I know it will be on judgement day.

That’s all for now, I can’t write any longer, tears and anger are all I can feel now. RIP little Andrew Moyer JR. You can go play with the angels now. You and little Caylee Anthony have something in common, you were both taken too soon.

Ugh! I dislike people who abuse children.

xoxoxo Always xoxoxo


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