Uh oh, The irish/German Comes Out To Play

Hello readers.

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Today I have a major rant and I’m so hacked off I can’t think straight. My target today? The ever so popular teen clothing store, Abercrombie & Fitch. More spacifically, their CEO Mike Jeffries. He has got to be the most hateful, bigoted, arrogant, pompous arsehole that I have had the mispleasure of reading about. This article is taken from:

Abercrombie http://t.co/Jo5dbjHfwi via @EliteDaily

My comments during and after the article. *shaking and blood boils*.

Begin article.

Anyone who’s been to Abercrombie & Fitch in the last few years has probably noticed that they don’t carry XL or XXL sizes of women’s clothing because they don’t want overweight women wearing their brand.
According to this popular teen clothing retailer, fat chicks will just never be a part of the “in” crowd.

Lily: Let me tell you something Mr. You only wish you could be in the so-called “in crowd Bigshot CEO,” you may think that thin is in, but big is beautiful. You wish you could be as beautiful as big people. I can’t see what you look like and believe me I don’t want to, but from what I understand from how someone described you to me, you are no prize yourself. So why don’t you get off of your high horse and get a real clue. Women of today are not all skin and bones dumb arse!

They take a big risk with this tactic because two of Abercrombie’s biggest competitors, H&M and American Eagle, both offer XXL sizes for men and women.
The largest women’s pants available at Abercrombie are a size 10, while H&M goes up to 16 and American Eagle goes even farther to 18.
Abercrombie’s attitude towards plus-sized women derives from CEO Mike Jeffries. Robin Lewis, author of The New Rules of Retail, spoke to Business Insider about the kind of people Jeffries wants advertising his brand.
““He doesn’t want larger people shopping in his store, he wants thin and beautiful people,” Lewis said. “He doesn’t want his core customers to see people who aren’t as hot as them wearing his clothing. People who wear his clothing should feel like they’re one of the ‘cool kids.’”

Lily: This Lewis phony is just as bad as Jeffries is. It’s people like you who make the kids of today feel inadequate. That and you cause eating disorders in children and teens.

Lewis said that the only reason Abercrombie offers XL and XXL in men’s sizes is to appeal to large athletes.
In a 2006 interview with Salon, Jeffries confirmed that the communication between hot people is his primary marketing tactic.
“It’s almost everything. That’s why we hire good-looking people in our stores. Because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don’t market to anyone other than that,” he said.

Lily: Shallow minded fool! You complete dunderhead! Thin and hot does not equal everything! So what you are actually saying is that if you are not good looking, you are not cool. Who the hell says you have to be thin and hot to be cool? Who the hell died and made you king of cool and good looks? I’d love to know so that I could bring him back to life and have you knocked down a peg or two.

Jeffries also told Salon that he wasn’t bothered by excluding fat people. In fact, he said that not limiting his ideal demographic would make his clothing less desirable.
““In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids,” he told the site. “Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong.

Lily: Hey guys! I figured it out! You know how they have the “Do unto others as they have done unto you” rule? Well, this Jeffries guy didn’t belong to any cool groups when he was in school so now he’s doing his best to exclude people that he deems unworthy for his not so holy arse. They only reason anyone cool would want to hang with him is because he’s rich, not for his looks for sure.

Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don’t alienate anybody, but you don’t excite anybody, either,” he told Salon.

Lily: Really? So Because these other companies cader to everyone, they’re in trouble? You say your company is doing well because you only will deal with people who are in your oppinion hot? Ok, watch out everyone, if Mr. Fugly himself doesn’t think you are hot enough you won’t be allowed in his stores. Wait! Wait! Wait! I wonder how they can hire someone who is a dog to be the CEO of that company? Have they seen him? He’s not good looking, I thik they need to hire someone as the CEO who is hot himself. How can an ughly moron be allowed to be the CEO of a place that only allows hot/good-looking/beautiful people in it? Clearly, they don’t know what beautiful/hot/good-looking is if they hired Jeffries to be the CEO.

One might wonder why Mike Jeffries only wants to be in the company of good-looking people. That curiosity will end after seeing what this freak looks like.
After seeing a picture of Mike Jeffries, it can only be concluded that he was never around good-looking people as a kid and is now making up for the glamorous youth he wishes he had.

Lily: Yes, and wishes is all he can have because he sure as hell doesn’t cut it when it comes to looks. Now, having said that I am not one to go by how a person looks. To me, it doesn’t matter how someone looks, I don’t care.
Is he entitled to his oppinions? Yes he is, however if this is what he wants, why does he have to express it. So run things how you like but don’t make kids feel inferior because of the way they look. You make kids feel ashamed of who they are just because you have these closed-minded ideas. All kids belong no matter how fat, skinny, tall, short, pale, dark, there race, religion or whatever else you judge kids by. They are all hot/beautiful/cool/good-looking in someone else’s eyes. And you perves who read this, do not take that last statement that I said wrong. My point is, we are all beautiful.
I am not the skinniest woman in the world but if I were I wouldn’t shop at your store on principal. Your attitude makes me sick. Just because I don’t wear a size 10 doesn’t make me ugly and it doesn’t make anyone else ugly either.

Ugh! I can’t stand shallow people! just sayin.

End article.

*Facepalms*. So, there’s my rant for the day. LOL! Bet you’re glad you read this entry now aren’t you? Sure you are, come on, admit it. LOL! You can’t deny it. Ok, I’m done.

In reguards to the entry I posted the other day about the Moore Oklahoma tornado, I have a bit of good news to report. When I had written that one, the medical examiner’s office had reported that there were 51 dead and possibly 91. Well I’m happy to let yu all know that it is only 24. I don’t mean to say that only 24 who died isn’t any less sad and tragic because it is. What I am saying is that it could have bene much worse. They did upgrade the EF4 to an EF5. I’m not surprised considering the devistation. Thank God that there was no more loss of life than there was.

This week has bene totally exhausting. There’s only one more day to go and then the weekend is here. I am supposed to broadcast tonight but I am going to cancel my show because i’m just to tired to do a show worth listening to. So here are my shameless plugs for my shows, all times are in EST.

Sunday 11 AM.-2:00 PM. Infinity Radio with Rock Back Flash Back. This show is one where I play music from the fifties, sixties, seventies eighties and early nineties. I may even throw in a track from today. I play rock from those errors. http://www.infinityradio.net for links.

Tuesday 7-10 PM: Phoenix Fire FM with The Music Express. This show has absolutely no format. I play anything, even kids music as we found out on my last show. This show also contains rants from news articles that I find or that get sent to my desk. http://www.phoenixfirefm.net for listen links, click on the extreme link for my show.

Wednesday 7-10 PM. Audio Access FM with The Country Campout. This show contains three hours of country music. http://www.audioaccess.fm for links to listen.

Thursday 8-11 PM. Renegade Radio with Circle OF Song. This is a new format I do in which I play music from all over the world. http://renegaderadio.us to listen.

Saturday 7-10 PM. Phoenix Fire FM with Club Phoenix. This is the show where you can dance till your hearts content or until your feet fall off. This show is either done by myself or Jerry, depending on who happens to do it at the time. http://www.phoenixfirefm.net for listen links.

Yep, shameless plugs. LOL! There’s one more station I’d love to be on and I need to get that all set up. This station is http://www.xtransmissionfm.com/ and you can find my good friend Gina on there Every Wednesday from 5-8 PM. Tune in with this link: TuneInRadio link: http://tunein.com/station/?StationId=196858
You can always tune in as well to listen to automation on any of these stations.

Well, I’m off now. My work day’s almost over. Time to do the end of the day things that I usually do. I’ll be bakc again soon.



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