Tears And Prayers For Oklahoma

Before I get to the serious part of this entry, have a funny comercial.

Corn Nuts radio ad: http://t.co/fcilqzVgvt via @youtube

Mother nature is an unforgiving mistress.
What ever or whom ever made her so angry really needs a beating.
The total and utter devistation that took place in Moore Oklahoma is horrific. A possible EF4 tornado went barreling through there today taking everything with it in it’s path. It flattened homes, schools. It mangled vehicles and debarked trees. But worst of all, it took with it life. Heaven gained 51 new angels so far today, at least 30 of them children. At last count, there were 51 dead and 230 injured. According to @CBSNews: Oklahoma tornado “formed almost without any warning.” I am awed and frightened at how nature can change with the blink of an eye.

Today’s events have left me feeling sad, angry, hurting and frightened. I hurt for the families who’s lives have bene torn apart. My heart hurts for all of the little children who will never get to grow up. They will never get to go to prom, graduate school, go to college, get married or have children of their own. I’m saddened for the parents who have to bury their children/child. No child should have to die before their parents. When we are little, we think that our parents are so old that we will outlive them. A tornado disproved that thought. I’m not so naive that I believe that we will live longer than our parents but it’s just not something you think about. I’m angry because the wals of the school weren’t strong enough to protect the children against the forces of nature. I’m not sure who I’m angry at for that, I’m just angry. Maybe I shouldn’t feel anger but I do.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you all in Oklahoma affected by this horrible tragedy, not only in Oklahoma but for those in different states who have relatives there. May peace be with you all. May you all find comfort in each other. If it’s one thing I have learned over the years it’s that Life’s too short and it can be taken away in the blink of an eye. May angels wrap you all in their wings and keep you safe and warm during this time of sadness.

For now i’m done, tears threaten to fall…again.

xoxoxoxo Love Always xoxoxoxox


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