Ranting And Life

“I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good.”

Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far far away from here.
Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far far away from here.
Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far, far far away from here.

I am so livid right now. Words can’t even begin to express the way I’m feeling at this very moment.

Very very angry! Tears. RT @NBCPhiladelphia: Reward offered to find person(s) who set a kitten on fire: http://t.co/h3z9M676y5

Who could be so cruel as to set a little defenseless kitten on fire like that? Bloody bastard! The good news is, the kitten is still alive and is expected to recover but still. That does not excuse what the blank blankity blank blank did. Stupid, rotten, dunderheaded, good-for-nothing, low-life, hateful, spiteful, maggett eating, arse itch infested, Looser arse, pathetic piece of dirt! You are worthless! You are so worthless that you aren’t even worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoes. *growl*. I can’t even think. So what, did it make you feel like a big man/woman to hurt a poor animal like you did? Did it make you feel good? Did it give you great pleasure to watch the little kitten burn? I hope they find you. I hope they find you and throw you in jail and throw away the key. Then I hope that once you are there, you will get a taste of the horrors and torture you will more than likely endure while there. I hope you live with what you have done for the rest of your days here on earth. I hope that everytime you close your eyes you see that little tortured kitten and that it bothers you to the point of no sleep. I hope your nightmares are filled with kitten screams and that you are haunted till you die. Finally I hope on the day of judgement you will pay for harming one of God’s creatures. Lord please forgive me for wishing this upon this cruel person, but I can’t stand animal cruelty!

This one as well…

Ugh! People make me sick! RT @CBSNews: Abandoned newborn found crying on Hawaii beach http://t.co/Sm1bKc2qlI

This world is full of stupid people. If the child wasn’t wanted, take it to a hospital where they can and will find a good home for it. There are many people who are wanting to have children and can’t for one reason or another. Why not let someone adopt it who will love it as if it were their own. Luckily the newborn is doing well and not harmed at all. this makes me wonder if the person who abandoned the baby was a teen girl who didn’t know what to do and got scared. Part of me wonders if it was a family who was poor and couldn’t take care of the child properly. Either way, if you didn’t want the child, take it to a hospital or the police station and they will help with finding it a home or whatever it is they do. No one is going to judge you for not being able to care for the baby and you end up having to give it up. Do it in the proper manner though. Don’t leave it abandoned on a beach naked! I don’t know, I shakes my head. It’s all I can do right now.

IA woman facing charges, accused of falsely claiming to have cancer…. http://fb.me/2BXBvCu7Y

Y’know? Doing something like this is just asking for sister Karma to come and visit your doorstep. If for some reason this woman does end up getting cancer one day, people are not going to care because of her actions. As most of you know if not all, I lost someone very very special to me to that horrid disease and to joke about having it? That just irks me to know end. I loved and still do love Jim with all of my being. Cancer is not a joke you moron! It’s serious shite and I hope that you don’t end up with it but in the event that you do, well call it karma.

It seems like all I ever read is bad news these days. I read twitter and what do I read? bad news. I turn on the television and what do I see? More bad news. I turn on the radio and what do I hear? Still more bad news. It gets very depressing and I have a hard enough time with depression. I like to stay informed about what’s going on in the world but it’s getting to the point where I just don’t even want to know anymore. just sayin. Whatever happened to the days where things were a lot better in the world than they are now. I’m not saying things were perfect, I know it was far from it actually. There used to be days where you could turn on the TV or turn on the radio and you would hear things, but never to this degree. I miss the days at times when I was a little girl and ignorance was bliss. Sure I always kept my guard up, i always have but things were not as bad then as they are now. Too much killing and war. Too much cruelty to animals and to each other. When will it end? When will the people of the world see that things shouldn’t be this way. Maybe i’m crazy to think this way but I strongly believe that people can see what they are doing if they stop to think. If parents wouldn’t teach their children to hate, to be racist, to have a closed mind, things would be better off. I could go on forever about this but I won’t. All I will say is that it saddens me to my core. My heart hurts, it aches for the world. We are destroying it slowly with our never ending violence and hatred. I can’t wait to go home, to be away from all of the troubles of this place. It’s not my time now I know but I still can’t wait.

On another note…

I found this article interesting. It’s worth the read if you are interested.

Change Your Sleep Position relieve pain, acid reflux, snoring and more. http://www.bottomlinepublications.com/content/article/health-a-healing/change-your-sleep-position MT @JohnnyJet @LeoLaporte

The week before last I went to Pet Co and got Ozzy a window seat. I tried to get him a cat tree which basically is a very very tall scratching post that goes from floor to ceiling. There are different levels that the cat can lounge upon. I put catnip on the different levels daily but he wanted no part of it. So, since he wasn’t going to have anything to do with this post, I got him a window perch. At first he acted as if this was going to be an epic fail as well but after Deboarh left he decided to give it another chance. Now if I wish to locate him all I have to do is go over to the window perch and there he is, laying there like he hasn’t a care in the world. I thought too that he’d see that as his place to sleep now and not my bed but last night he did join me like usual. That made me happy. I like to listen to him purr before i drift off, it’s very comforting to have him there. i love my Ozzy cat no doubt about it. No matter how much I complain that he wakes me up too bloody early in the morning, i’m glad to have him in my life. Yes a human companion would be nice but if I don’t or can’t have that, at least I’ve got my awesome four-legged feline to keep me company.

I haven’t forgotten the long awaited entry. I’m still going to post it but as it stands at the moment, that entry has been put on hold for a bit. I still need to finish writing it. Just as soon as I do, believe me, the world will know. I think my side of things should be heard so it will be posted, this I can promise you.

This past Wednesday, I went to a place called Indigo Organic. That is one of the most peaceful places I have ever been in I think. The reason for my visit was to get my hair cut. No, I didn’t cut it short, I just got all of my split ends cut off. My hair looks much healthier now thanks to them. It’s amazing! First, they did the trim and then they gave me a head massage with oils. The oils are to help treat your hair. She gave me three different cents to choose from and the one I picked was sort of a sweeter cent. The other ones were a minty one and I don’t really know what the third one was, it smelled like household cleaners. Not a good thing to have in my hair, just sayin. During the head/scalp massage I almost fell asleep. Any more time spent on that I do believe i would have . AS it was, I started drifting off. I couldn’t help it, it felt so wonderful. I could so get used to that. The stylest who’s name was Heidi then washed my hair and put some treatment stuff in it. That stuff smelled minty. The treatment had to stay in for about five minutes. After the time was up, she conditioned it and put some leave-in stuff in it. It made my hair very soft and shiney. She then styled it putting these huge curls in it. Everyone who saw it loved it. I was wishing I had had somewhere else to go after I was done there. Everything Heidi used was organic. It was amazing and I have made the decision to go there for my hair cuts all the time now. They are a little bit more expensive then what I normally do but they are well worth it.

Something exciting has happened yesterday!

Cheers loudly! RT @lgbtqnation: BREAKING: Minn. to become 12th state to legalize same-sex marriage – http://t.co/khcw4MoL8M

While at work yesterday, I was able to listen to part of the senate meeting. A lot of what was brought up was the religious factor in this arguement for same-sex marriages. Now, I think that everyone has his or her own beliefs and whether or not same-sex marriages are legalized does not affect the way you believe. Ok, I totally get that now you have the moral dilemma to provide services to same-sex couples but here’s how I think. The reason that you think it’s wrong is because it is what you are taught. We can’t help who we fall in love with, it’s just part of who we are. We aren’t trying to convert you to be gay or lesbian or bisexual. All we’d like is understanding. Yes we may think a straight person is cute or whatever but knowing you are straight, we aren’t going to hit on you. *smiles*. I know in the Bible it does say that marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman but what about those of us who aren’t into the opposite sex? Do we not have the right to be happy as well? God loves all of his children and I can’t imagine that he’d condemn us to a life of hell just because we choose to be with the same sex. We don’t choose to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. We don’t wake up one morning and go, “oh hey, I think I’ll be attracted to the same sex today.” No, we are born this way. It’s like how you who are straight can’t help being straight. It’s in your makeup. We accept you, now please show us the same courtesy of accepting who we are.
I am very happy that Minnesota became the twelth state to legalize gay marriage. Yay!

Well, i have made this long enough. I will leave you now with these final words.

Mischief managed.



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