What Really Got Under My Skin

This post is a conversation which took place between myself and Mike. I’d like to thank Jerry, AKA Jammin Jerry for logging into my twitter account and putting together this text file. Yes, I *did* give Jerry my permission to do so.

Conversation between Mike Stopka, and Lily Poss

at 6:42:59 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Hey

mike cutie and maia posted hay at 6:43:08 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 6:45:53 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I have some news I don’t think you are going to like

mike cutie and maia posted O? at 6:46:02 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 6:49:05 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Yeah.

mike cutie and maia posted what is it cause i think i have an idea and if we are thinking the same thing its not bad news at all at 6:49:41 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 6:53:15 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: WEll, I kind of sort of need the ipad back.

mike cutie and maia posted ok if you can get it clean as it has water damage at 6:53:46 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 6:54:57 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: how does it have water damage?

mike cutie and maia posted I got sota spilled in it at 6:55:09 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 6:56:39 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I will send it in if I need to but i need it for work. They foudn a way for me to do credit cards with it.

mike cutie and maia posted fine I see that you are an indian giver but its fine I will get it ready for you to give back you want my desktop too? at 6:57:13 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted sense your asking for things back at 6:58:04 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 6:58:26 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Are you offering? You don’t need to be that way about it.

mike cutie and maia posted You tell me that I can keep the stuff you gave me then you deside to ask for some of it back I wood have never done that to you at 6:58:56 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted so how wood you expect me to feel at 7:00:52 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:01:11 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I asked you for the ipad for work.

mike cutie and maia posted ya so your asking for things back which you said you woodn’t ever do so you lied at 7:01:40 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted you want to be that way fine but don’t expect anything from me cause you proved who you really are at 7:02:33 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:05:04 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Fine you want to be that way, yes i want back the computer too.

mike cutie and maia posted good luck with that one good luck trying to switch your phone to flint then at 7:05:32 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted you want to test me on that one try me at 7:06:46 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:07:44 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: What ever. you are the one saying you now see who I really am. you wanna accuse me of being bitchy or whatever I will be.

mike cutie and maia posted you have the never ask your concler or land to air to buy you one the IPad isn’t even registered to you I’ll give it back and report it + at 7:08:43 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted stolen at 7:08:48 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted and sense how verizon works i will report the phone to at 7:09:06 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:11:09 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: YOu do that.

mike cutie and maia posted cause it isn’t fair that you wood ask me to return a gift you said I could keep when you have an IPhone and a rehab concler at 7:11:46 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted plus once my phone is cancled all I have is the IPad when i leave at 7:12:04 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:13:18 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Tahts’ not my problem, I don’t care.

mike cutie and maia posted well you needing it for work I don’t care figure out how to get yourself one at 7:13:44 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:16:20 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: You could have asked maureen for an ipad

mike cutie and maia posted no I couldn’t have I couldn’t have justafied it like you can at 7:16:43 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:17:36 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I simply asked you for the ipad back for work and you freak all out and what ever. It’s not like I want the stupid comp back.

mike cutie and maia posted ya well I use both You can get one justifed at 7:18:12 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted why wouldn’t you try for a mini at 7:18:47 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted or a newer one you wood gain more at 7:19:00 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:19:20 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: nO I can’t I has asked

mike cutie and maia posted you can efford to buy a yetty and all that but you can’t go to best buy and buy a mini hmm at 7:19:52 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:22:30 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: because i dont’ want a mini. and i didn’t expect you to be such a prick about it.

at 7:22:48 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Unless there’s another rreason you don’t want to have it back.

mike cutie and maia posted concerding that I am moving out of contry and that has been one of the main things i have been using and you saying that you wood never + at 7:23:44 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted ask for things back how would you expect me to feel. at 7:24:00 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:25:50 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I asked you for the ipad for work, i figured you’;d be abit moer understanding but apparently not. ‘

mike cutie and maia posted you no after the way you moved out how i feel about arms and jason and all of them so you really thought I wood be understanding? at 7:26:29 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted Your getting what you want I am leaving and you have things most back to they way they were at 7:26:52 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:28:51 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: what ever, you ahe a new girl so I don’t see why you are still so upset over it.

mike cutie and maia posted You no how I feel about it its whatever I wood have never asked you for anything back I wood have figured out how i could do it at 7:30:26 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:31:09 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: well i’d have gien it back had you needed it for work so whatever.

mike cutie and maia posted I woodn;t have asked you in the first place cause that is not the kind of person i am at 7:31:48 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:31:54 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I gave you so fucking much and paid for so fucking muych and never once complained.

mike cutie and maia posted and I am greatfull for it but I still wouldn’t have asked you for it even if the tables were reversed at 7:32:33 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:34:05 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: what ever.

at 7:34:20 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I know the real reason you dont’ want me to have it back so…

mike cutie and maia posted o and what is that if your so smart at 7:34:35 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted And if its things you herd from flint he better be carefull too at 7:35:02 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 7:40:02 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: It has nothing to do with flint.

mike cutie and maia posted I’m at the point ware I care about no one around here at 7:35:59 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted so what is the real reason then if you think you no so much at 7:40:19 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:08:58 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: AS far as you not caring, i’m beginning to think you never really did.

mike cutie and maia posted I cared at one point just not now at 8:09:19 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:09:54 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: and do you not think people on the internet talk?

mike cutie and maia posted of couse I do but if your stupid enough to believe them that is your own problem at 8:10:31 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:10:10 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: NO you don’t cause all you care about is what you want.

mike cutie and maia posted that is also you I want my own place you got it so you did to remember that at 8:11:26 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:14:18 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I tried to compromise with you about that and you wouldn’t, so not my fault.

mike cutie and maia posted their was no compramise their you made your dession I made mine and it seams to be for the best at 8:15:34 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:16:13 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: Yeah, what ever.

mike cutie and maia posted you need to make sure you pay your half of the verizon bill so your phone can be transfered to flint at 8:19:38 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:23:13 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: yeah, dont’ worry aboutit, I’ll pay it.

mike cutie and maia posted it will be transfered as soon as ou do cause they won’t let me with part of the money being o’ed I was nice enough to make sure it wasn’t + at 8:24:34 PM, on 3/4/2013

mike cutie and maia posted canceled when mine gets canceled at 8:24:52 PM, on 3/4/2013

at 8:25:44 PM, on 3/4/2013, Lily posted, DM to mike cutie and maia: I said i’d pay it, dopnt’ worry about it, i have paid it always.

mike cutie and maia posted I was just saying at 8:26:03 PM, on 3/4/2013

I know this is going to make some people angry but I myself was extremely angry at the situation. People need to know the whole truth about why we split and soon there will be an entry about this at another date.

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